Her Darkest Desires Read online

Page 6

  Behind her, Claire heard a low laugh. “She’s beginning to like this, isn’t she, Theo?” Mistress Jade remarked. “Let’s see how she reacts to one of these.”

  Claire let out a muffled cry as she felt the cold object invade her. Jade worked it in slowly. The hard metal plug gradually widened from tip to base, and Claire felt her tight opening stretching as Jade began pushing it farther inside, twirling it around as she slid it in. Claire panted harshly, unable to move, unable to stop the foreign object from penetrating deeper into her. She didn’t think she could take any more. It was too big, too hard.

  “Aaron, please test the fit.”

  A hard palm cracked down on Claire’s ass, driving the butt plug in all the way. She cried out, struggling to get away, but her body was bent nearly in half over the table, and the restraints held fast. Aaron began spanking her in earnest. Claire’s frantic wiggling kept sliding the plug out a little, but each stern whack drove it back inside her. Her ass was on fire, but at the same time, she was flooded with a strange, shameful craving for more. Tears began flowing.

  “Enough.” Jade’s voice was sharp. “She can take this one easily. We will try the next size, but first she needs additional stimulation.”

  Jade manipulated another lever, and the center portion of the table folded away, leaving Claire’s hips and ass suspended in mid-air. Her upper body was still resting on the table, her legs secured by restraints to the rear sections that slid apart. Claire felt the big fingers pulling her ass cheeks apart and then the plug was ever so slowly removed. She groaned as the widest end stretched her tiny opening again, feeling suddenly empty as it was drawn out all the way.

  Another set of fingers began exploring between her legs, sliding past the hot moist folds of her pussy to seek out the hard nub of her clit. She felt more oil being rubbed on her, stroking the tiny bud, making it grow. Then a soft, rubbery object was fitted directly over her engorged clit. Claire heard a low buzz. It was followed by an intense throbbing that sent shudders of arousal through her entire body. She was dimly aware of more straps being tightened around her waist and her upper thighs, just before the throbbing stopped abruptly.

  “This is the other component of the apparatus you will wear tonight.” Jade’s voice seemed to be coming from far away. Claire willed her mind to take control again, trying desperately to ignore the frenzied need the fiendish device had ignited. “Now, Theo, we’ll try the longer plug this time, while Aaron operates the remote control on her butterfly.”

  The buzzing sound began again, followed by waves of exotic sensations. This time the frequency was ramped up, with short pulses followed by a pause, then a longer, harder vibration. The pattern continued, over and over. Each time the vibrations seemed to grow in intensity. Claire thrashed around on the table, but the device was firmly in place. There was no way to stop the powerful throbbing bringing her to the edge, aching for release. Suddenly she felt her ass being invaded again. This time, she was frantic, thrusting her hips up as far as she could, desperate to have the hard, smooth object fill her up again, desperate to satisfy the ravenous need building inside her.

  When the first hard swat rammed the plug deep inside, Claire screamed. Wave after wave of pleasure poured through her as Theo continued the spanking, driving the thick plug deeper each time, matching his strokes to the pulsing of the device on her clit. Claire hardly knew when the spanking and the powerful throbbing finally ended. Her whole body was still shuddering. She was barely aware of Mistress Jade’s voice.

  “That one will do nicely,” Jade said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Please remove the equipment, help her off the table, and take her back to her room. We’ll have the devices inserted into the apparatus and deliver them so Kyle can outfit her for this evening’s ceremonies.”

  Chapter Six

  Claire was grateful for the two strong attendants. Without their support, she didn’t think her trembling legs would carry her back down the long hallway and up the stairs to her room. They flanked her on either side again, silent. She couldn’t help sneaking a glance at them, deeply embarrassed. These men had seen her naked pussy and ass. They touched her, fondled her, violated her. They heard her passionate cries, saw her thrusting her hips up in the air and shamelessly craving more. She’d never been naked in front of two men before, never even imagined this kind of wild sex act played out with total strangers.

  Then she heard Kyle’s voice in her head. It’s okay to feel pleasure, no matter what the source. It’s even okay if you sometimes find pleasure in pain. That’s what this trip to The Dark Side is all about. Discovering who you are deep inside… accepting and embracing every part of yourself.

  Claire straightened her shoulders and shook off the arms under each elbow. Head held high, she headed back to her room at the end of the long hall. The two men allowed her to lead, trailing along behind like lesser royals deferring to a queen. When they got to her door, both men bowed formally and then departed as silently as they came.

  Claire closed the door behind them before sagging to the floor. She wasn’t sure what had just happened. Every inch of her skin tingled as though she’d been charged with an electrical current. She ran a hand between her legs. Her clit was hard, sticking out prominently like a tiny cock. A shiver ran through her body as she stroked it experimentally. She swore she could still feel the intense pulsing of the device that had been strapped around her.

  She was stunned to realize her pussy was hot and wet—ravenous. She moved to the bed and sat down, spreading herself apart the way she’d been on the table and watching in the mirror as she slid one finger, then two, deep inside.

  The door flew open. Claire let out a little shriek as her eyes met Kyle’s in the mirror. He strode to the edge of the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I… I was… I was just…” She tried to squeeze her legs shut, but Kyle’s elbows were on her knees, spreading her legs apart even farther as he trapped her hands, exposing her actions.

  His voice was low. “Do you remember last night, when I said you were forbidden to come unless you asked me, begged me, for permission?”

  “I thought you meant—”

  The look on his face stopped Claire in mid-sentence.

  “I can see you still have much to learn before you’re ready to be initiated as a sub. Tonight’s plans have changed. You’re not ready yet. You need a lesson in obedience. You need to experience true sexual hunger to make you humbly grateful when I finally grant you release.”

  He grabbed her hand, forcing her fingers deeper inside. “Enjoy this, because it’s all the satisfaction you’ll get tonight. Now, get up.”

  Claire got to her feet, unable to look at him.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “No, you’re not. You’re scared. You’re ashamed because you got caught. But you’re not sorry yet—although you will be before this night is over. Now, take off your tunic.”

  Claire slipped the loose garment over her head and dropped it on the floor. She stood there trembling, totally exposed, as Kyle insolently looked her over.

  “Go over to the nightstand, open the top drawer, and get out the wooden paddle.”

  Claire slowly walked to the nightstand. She’d never opened the drawers before. Inside she discovered a variety of sex toys and some items she didn’t even recognize. Unwilling to risk inciting Kyle’s anger any further, she hurriedly grabbed a thick wooden paddle lying among the other implements and brought it back.

  Kyle hadn’t moved from his place by the side of the bed. He was so harsh, so rigid. She desperately wanted to feel the warmth of his smile again. Uncertain of what to do next, Claire dropped to one knee as she’d seen the male attendants do before Mistress Jade, holding out the wooden paddle, her head bowed.

  “Please, Sir, will you spank me for disobeying your orders?”

  Kyle stared at her coldly. “No. But you will be spanked tonight… long and hard and often. You will go from table to table, get on your kne
es, hold out the paddle, and beg to be spanked because you have displeased your master. Then you will watch as others get pleasured, all the while knowing you’ve chosen to forfeit your own opportunity for satisfaction tonight.”

  “Get on the bed on your knees. Put your elbows down on the mattress, and turn your head to face the mirror. Spread your legs wide. I will be back—and you’d better be waiting in that position, looking at yourself in the mirror, when I come back in the door.”

  Claire got up and crawled onto the bed. On her knees, she crouched down and turned her face to the mirror just in time to see the door firmly shut as Kyle strode out of the room. Her heart was thumping in her chest. She had no idea what Kyle had in store for her, but whatever it was, she would endure it willingly, even welcome it, if he would just hold her tenderly in his arms again afterwards.

  How did this happen? How did I become so willing, so eager to do whatever he commands? Is this what it feels like to be a sub? She stared at the woman in the mirror, head down, ass thrust high in the air, afraid to move even a muscle until her dom returned.

  The sky gradually darkened outside her windows, and the room was plunged into shadows. Minutes ticked by while Claire relived every minute she’d spent at The Dark Side. The isolated surroundings, the bizarre occupants, the heady combination of raw lust and unexpected tenderness she felt when she was with Kyle. When she signed up for a trip to The Dark Side of the Moon, Claire imagined she’d get a couple of days at a luxury resort. At some point, she imagined there would be a session over the knee of some faceless stranger. She’d have her skirt pulled up, feel the sting of a hard male palm on her ass for the first time. She never dreamed that she’d willingly be crouching on a bed stark naked, ass high in the air, waiting breathlessly for some new erotic torment, every nerve in her body tingling, anticipation tinged with a touch of fear.

  Claire crouched on the bed for what seemed like hours until the door finally opened again. The low ceiling light came on, and Kyle strode into the room. He glanced toward the bed, checking to see if she was in position, and nodded slightly. Tonight he was wearing the black leather pants again, the ones that fit him like a second skin. His chest was bare, covered only with the patch of curly dark hair that narrowed to a thin line and disappeared into the low slung pants. She stared at the bulge in his crotch and suddenly realized that she’d never seen Kyle naked, although he was intimately familiar with every inch of her body. She licked her lips, imagining how hard and thick his cock would be, how it would taste when she wrapped her lips around the head and took him into her mouth.

  The long black cloak he wore last night was tossed over his shoulders and tied loosely around his neck. She’d been staring at his body hungrily, as though it were a feast set before a starving prisoner. But now she looked up and saw that the top half of his face was covered with an exotic mask, like those she’d seen on revelers at masquerade balls. Black, with sweeping wings that curved out and up, trimmed all around with rhinestones that sparkled and gleamed in the faint light. Dark eyes bored into hers through the slits in the mask.

  He moved closer, and she saw the sparkle of more rhinestones as he tossed a garment beside her on the bed. But her eyes were riveted on the item he still held in his hand. It was black, made of some sort of pliable plastic or rubber. Instead of having a narrow tip that gradually widened, like the butt plugs she’d been fitted with by Mistress Jade, this device was as thick as two fingers from its rounded head nearly all the way to the end, where it flared out at the base on opposite sides.

  Kyle went to the bedside table and got a glass jar out of the drawer. When he opened it, Claire smelled the same scented oil Jade had used to lubricate her. He dipped the rounded tip of the tool in the oil and brought both items to the bed.

  “You will wear this tonight,” Kyle stated. “I’m going to insert it deep into your ass. It has slits in this flat end,” he leaned over, holding the wide base out for her inspection, “so that I can thread straps through it and secure it to the apparatus, keeping it lodged inside you.”

  He moved behind her, and Claire gasped as she felt the tip probe her tight opening. Kyle dipped his fingers into the glass jar, spreading more oil all around her tiny hole, teasing and tantalizing her.

  Slowly, he began pushing the thick phallus into her. Claire moaned, struggling to stay in position, unwilling to risk incurring any more of Kyle’s displeasure. He slid it back out, rubbing the tip all around again before sliding it deeper. Working it in and out, he began fucking Claire in the ass with it. Still aroused, desperate for release, she shoved her hips back, taking it in.

  Kyle stopped immediately. “I told you, tonight will not be about your pleasure.” He gave her ass a hard swat. “Get up off the bed. And whatever you do, don’t you dare let that vibrator slide out of your ass.”

  Awkwardly, she struggled to the edge of the bed. Clenching her butt cheeks together, she slid her feet to the floor. But there was no narrowing at the end of the hard object to keep it lodged inside her like the butt plugs. The harder she squeezed, the more she could feel it slipping out. Finally, Claire reached behind her with one hand, holding it gingerly in place, her face flushed with embarrassment.

  Kyle just watched her, his expression impossible to read behind the dark mask. When she was standing in front of him, he turned to the bed and unfolded the garment he’d brought in. It was an old-fashioned satin and lace corset, jet black, with rhinestone trim to match his mask. He came close, fitting the corset to her naked body. It was strapless, with a push-up bra built in, cut so low so that her nipples stuck out over the lace top. The garment skimmed her hips, leaving her pussy and ass bare.

  “Turn around.”

  His hands held the garment against the front of her body. Claire shuffled around, turning her back on him, one hand still holding the dildo in place deep in her ass. Kyle began pulling the laces tight, crisscrossing them through the hooks. When he got to her waist, he paused. “Stand up straight. Put your arms out at your sides and breathe in.”

  Claire straightened her spine, sucking in her stomach, and let go of the dildo as Kyle tightened the corset even further. She could feel the long metal stays that were built in every few inches cinching in her waist, pushing her breasts out to spill over the top. Holding her breath and squeezing all her muscles tight, she suddenly felt the hard object begin sliding out of her ass. Claire panicked and bent forward, shoving her hips back against the bulge in Kyle’s crotch, ramming the vibrator firmly into place again.

  Kyle laughed and grabbed her hips with both hands, grinding himself into her. “Your inner slut is coming out again. But I won’t discipline you for that move. You just found another way to do what I told you to do,” he murmured, nuzzling his lips against the back of her neck. His hands roamed, stroking her breasts, pinching the nipples until they stood out in tight peaks.

  “You have beautiful tits, Claire. Tonight, I get to show them off, let everyone see how hard your nipples get when you’re excited.” He grabbed both of her hands, crossing them over the end of the black tool protruding from her ass.

  “Stand up straight again and walk toward the mirror.”

  Claire stood, and her eyes widened in surprise. Every move, no matter how slight, shifted the hard object deep inside her, changing the angle, rubbing it against the tight passage of her ass. She took a hesitant step or two toward the mirror, hands behind her back, realizing immediately that walking around with the vibrator lodged in place would be sweet torture.

  “Move your legs apart. Now, take one hand and spread the folds of your pussy wide, like you were doing when I came in, so we can both see your clit in the mirror.”

  Claire did as she was told. She stared in shock at the hot scene before her. The woman in front of her had a voluptuous figure: waist cinched in, lush tits spilling out over the top of the old-fashioned corset. One hand was on her pussy, fingers splayed, with the hard nub of her clit sticking out between them. Behind her, a hard-muscled dom in a black clo
ak and black mask stared at her in the mirror, one hand idly stroking the rigid bulge outlined by his tight leather pants.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded, turning back to the bed. Claire just stared in the mirror, hardly breathing. Kyle came back and dropped to his knees in front of her. She felt his fingers on her clit, already so sensitive she could barely stand the touch. Then the soft smoothness as a flexible shell surrounding a harder center molded itself against her. Two strong elastic straps were snapped together behind her around her waist. Another wider strap was tucked between her legs. Kyle twisted her body around, pulling the strap tight against her pussy.

  “Bend forward again.”

  She did and felt him adjusting the fit of the vibrator in her ass, and then pulling the elastic strap through the slats and up tight between her cheeks to fasten it to the other straps around her waist.

  “Now, stand up and face the mirror.”

  Claire turned. The sudden buzzing sound came first. Then the twin shocks jolted her body. The butterfly device was held tight against her clit, humming and pulsing, while the vibrator in her ass set off shivers everywhere inside. She closed her eyes momentarily, allowing the sensations to pour through her.

  SWAT! Her eyes popped open, and she saw Kyle’s arm in the mirror just before he delivered another firm whack to her bare ass. Harsh fire seared her bottom, warring with the very different heat ignited by the dual vibrators.

  “Open your eyes. Look at yourself. I’m going to have the remote controls for both of these toys tonight. I may allow some of the other guests this evening to play with them. You will do whatever you’re commanded to do by the person with the controls—but you may not come without my permission.”

  He ramped both devices up a notch. Claire stared at herself in the mirror, body shaking, eyes wild. When he switched them off suddenly, she nearly sagged to the floor.