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Claimed by the Omega_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 6
Claimed by the Omega_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Read online
Page 6
She still wasn’t buying it. “You expect me to believe that pinching my nipples and watching the colored lights flash when they get hard is an accepted diagnostic procedure?”
“Yes, I do. This disease attacks the pleasure centers of the brain first, slowly diminishing the female’s ability to respond to sexual stimulation. Since every alien species has evolved differently, we routinely examine every possible erogenous zone of female aliens, tracking their levels of arousal, to make certain we do not unwittingly contaminate our people again.”
His mouth formed a grimace she guessed was his version of a reassuring smile.
“As for drugging you, our gloves have been coated with a mild substance found to reduce anxiety in subjects from other worlds while we examine them. If you prefer, we will not use it again. But only if you agree to submit to the rest of these procedures without further resistance, including the necessary cleansing to remove any alien microbial life forms from your body.”
Maia narrowed her eyes. “Exactly what do these procedures involve?”
His response shattered the last vestiges of the rigid control she’d always kept over her own emotions. Maia thrashed against her bonds, shouting out every curse word she’d ever learned.
Chapter Six
“I said be quiet!”
The boss man glared at her. “How do you expect me to answer your questions if you persist in shrieking so loud you cannot even hear me?”
“No way you’re shoving probes up my pussy or my ass!”
He shook his head. “Certainly not. There will be no probes inserted. At least not until after you’ve undergone cleansing. Once my team has thoroughly inspected the surface of your body and determined what foreign substances must be eradicated, the proper chemical mixture will be prepared and you’ll be placed in the cleansing chamber where it will be administered.”
“Since you prefer not to be sedated,” he went on, “you must remain silent and unmoving during the rest of the inspection. It is for your own good. If you continue thrashing and jerking, we might inadvertently injure you.”
“I’m not cooperating with anyone until I speak to Commander Rowan.”
“That is impossible. She is unavailable. Besides, your commander has no authority here. Safety regulations require that you submit to these procedures immediately upon arriving in our World. You cannot have any contact with our people until we have deemed it safe for you to do so. If you continue to resist, you’ll be punished.”
Rowan unavailable? What had they done with the commander—and the others? The briefings she’d undergone for her journey to Tyrendia 3 hadn’t prepared her for dealing with a species unknown to Earth. A tremor of sheer terror rocked Maia as she came face to face with the realization that even though they might speak her language and have the same body shape, she was an alien here. A potential danger to their race.
She took several slow, deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Okay, she’d cooperate if that’s what she had to do. They seemed to have laws in place here. Surely if she posed no threat they wouldn’t do her any real harm.
“Very well. I understand. I will not resist.”
At least her protests accomplished one thing. Knowing she was awake and completely aware of what they were doing seemed to curb what she guessed had been randy remarks by the other two. They stripped away the rest of her garment and performed their inspection in a purely clinical fashion.
Apparently the head man was the only one who’d learned English overnight. Either that or he’d been outfitted with some sort of translator program. He continued to talk to the other two in their odd language, which seemed to consist of guttural sounds accompanied by jerky hand gestures.
The medical exam was unpleasant. They poked and prodded, stared into her eyes, her nose, her mouth. They seemed especially fascinated by her pierced ears.
“I had earrings on yesterday, attached to my body through those holes. And a necklace. When will I get them back?”
The head scientist stopped measuring the size of her piercings. “I told you to remain silent,” he said, a tone of very human annoyance in his voice. “The transition team will answer any question you have if you are deemed acceptable to enter our World after these procedures are completed.”
If I’m deemed acceptable?
Maia tried not to panic, but when the other two unbuckled her restraints and started lifting her off the table, she took one last stab at reaching out to the leader.
“At least tell me what’s going to happen next. Please.”
“Now you will be taken to the cleansing area.”
Cleansing. She sighed in relief. That sounded harmless enough. She desperately needed a shower. Maybe even a nice relaxing bath.
Two of them carried her into a small white cubicle, one taking her arms and the other her legs. They strapped her into a sling hanging from the ceiling. A wide band secured her around the waist. Other bands wrapped around her thighs and upper arms. One last strap ran behind her head, supporting her neck. Dangling four feet off the floor, stark naked, Maia’s heart sank. This wasn’t going to be a relaxing bath after all.
They began pulling hollow tubes out of the walls, positioning them a few inches away from her so the openings pointed to various places on her body. But when one of them adjusted the bands to pull her legs wide apart and then stepped between them with the end of another tube, she began bucking and yelling again.
The harsh sound echoing off the bare walls was as shocking as the sudden lick of fire on her bottom. She bit off another cry and whipped her head around, coming eye to eye with their leader standing behind her.
He stared back, his eyes cold, then delivered four more strong whacks. With his large hands, every stroke covered her entire backside. He’d turned up the sensors on the finger pads of his gloves, so not only did she feel the impact on her bare skin, his punishment carried a shocking tingle deep into her bottom.
She gasped, then let out a shriek. “You said there wouldn’t be any probes!”
He started spanking her in earnest.
“You… will… be silent. You… will not… move,” he ordered, punctuating his words with more stern whacks. “These are not probes. They are hoses. We will monitor your responses while they deliver the cleansing solution to your entire body, inside and out.”
The tingling sensation became a fiery sting, spreading through her bottom. Maia bit her lip to keep from crying out again, but tears welled up in her eyes. She’d heard of spanking. An ancient form of discipline Earther parents once doled out to naughty children. She had no idea it was so painful. Back home, this beast would have been removed from society and sent to reprogramming therapy.
The humiliation was nearly as bad as the punishment itself. She was completely helpless. Strapped into the harness naked and spread-eagled, with her burning bottom exposed for him to spank as long and as hard as he wished while the other two looked on. She did her best to endure it all without straining at her bonds or making another sound, hoping he would decide she’d learned her lesson.
Finally he stopped. She sagged in the sling, eyes half closed. He came around in front of her, stepped between her thighs, and held up one of the gray tubes. Watching her face carefully, as if daring her to disobey his commands again, he reached out. She cringed with embarrassment when he spread apart her labial folds with his gloved fingers and slid the open end of it inside her.
Maia gritted her teeth. She didn’t dare protest.
The hose was made of some pliable substance. Solid, yet able to bend and curve. It was smooth and cold, bigger around than a man’s thumb. He pushed it in slowly, watching her reaction the whole time. Though it seemed to go on forever, her brain told her he’d only penetrated her vaginal channel a few inches. Still, with her body in a heightened state of awareness, she felt every millimeter as he slowly inserted it. He finished by clamping the dangling hose onto the strap around her left thigh to keep it in place.
e turned around and pulled another hose from the wall, this one slightly thinner. Her eyes widened in horror as he stepped between her legs again. Despite her vow to behave, she started shaking her head wildly from side to side.
“No! No no no no no.”
He waved a hand, and one of the other men stepped behind her and delivered half a dozen sharp whacks to her rear. Though he didn’t have sensor pads on his gloves, the fresh assault on her aching bottom reawakened the vicious stinging heat. She was powerless to stop them and defiance only earned her more punishment. Maia closed her eyes and bowed her head in defeat.
This time, instead of watching, she kept her eyes squeezed shut. He adjusted the sling so her bottom was tilted up. With one hand, he spread her rear cheeks apart. With the other, he spread a slick substance all around her anal opening. She shuddered when one finger pressed against her tight sphincter, then invaded her bottom, coating the entrance to her rear passage inside and out. He pulled his finger out and began working the end of the hose into her bottom. She moaned, tensing her body, but he took his time, twisting and turning it, until she felt it snaking in.
Maia had never been penetrated there. Once he’d inserted it, the sensation of her bottom hole being filled along with the sting deep in her backside sent a wild shiver through her belly. She squirmed as the cold, hard object slowly slid inside her, deeper and deeper. Finally he stopped. She opened her eyes a crack and watched as he attached the hose to the restraints on her other thigh, locking it in place.
She concentrated on breathing. In and out. Slow and deep. When she felt his gloved hands parting the tight curls over her mound, she gasped. He’d activated the sensor pads again. They gave off tiny pulses and she began panting in spite of herself as his fingers explored, drawing nearer and nearer to her clit.
It was all too much. The deliberate stimulation of her nipples, the strange, erotic heat pouring through her lower region after the spanking. Then the firm, hard objects working their way into her pussy and invading her bottom hole. Her mind shut down and her body took over. Anger, embarrassment—even fear—gave way to desperate need. Shameless now, she instinctively arched her hips, aching for release.
But instead of his fingertips stroking her, she felt another cold hard object against her throbbing nub. Her eyes shot open. He’d positioned one last hose over her mound, this one ending in a wide circular opening that covered the entire area. Four long narrow straps hung from the sides near the wide mouth. He fastened them one at a time. Two straps around her legs right at the crease where her thighs met her bottom cheeks, two more winding around her hips, securing it in place. He checked all three hoses one more time, making sure they were fastened well, then motioned to the others. Without a word, all three filed out of the cubicle. She heard a loud click as the door locked behind them.
Then the lights went out.
* * *
Despite the threat of more punishment, Maia drew in a breath to call out, beg them to at least leave the lights on. But it turned into a shocked cry as the first stream of liquid hit her body, cascading over her hair. Another hose sent a gentle shower over her face. Warm, with an unfamiliar but pleasant scent. The streams of liquid alternated, coming off and on as others poured over her shoulders, her arms, and down her back. When the sensuous spray hit her breasts, she closed her eyes and simply let the liquid bathe her skin.
The sensation was surprisingly soothing for a procedure meant to rid her body of biohazards. It didn’t feel like a spray of harsh chemical substances. Maybe this was going to turn into a soothing shower after all. Eventually she began to relax and even felt brave enough to stick out the tip of her tongue and sample a drop of the liquid. Definitely not water. At least not like the water on Earth. The substance was thicker. Bland, with no chemical taste.
She sighed in relief. Then her eyes widened in the darkness as she remembered the hoses in her pussy and rear passage. If streams began flowing from those, the sensations would be strange and likely uncomfortable. She gave a mental shrug. If this was the worst she had to endure, she’d grit her teeth and bear it.
A jet of liquid shot deep into her rear passage, stronger than the flow from the other hoses. She moaned at the unfamiliar sensation, writhing around in the darkness. But there was no escape. The stream flowed on and on, until she thought she couldn’t bear it any longer.
When it ended abruptly, she breathed a sigh of relief. It turned into a gasp when the hose over her mound started pumping. The nozzle must have held dozens of tiny openings, because the flow alternated. First full out, then spurting and pulsing from one side or another. All aimed directly at her clitoris. The sensation was so intense she felt her orgasm building almost immediately. These aliens had definitely mapped her erogenous zones with the light show.
Then the third hose came on, the one in her pussy. Shooting bursts of liquid into her in time with the jets pulsing over her clit. The unaccustomed fullness in her bottom coupled with the direct stimulation of those centers of pleasure sent a wild shudder through her. When liquid began flowing again from the hose in her rear passage, the shudder became a wave that built higher and higher in the darkness until it crashed over her.
The flow stopped. Shut off abruptly, leaving her shaken and limp. Dimly she realized that the aliens must have been carefully monitoring her physical reactions to the new stimuli. The bursts of liquid, the pulsing—all of it timed for the maximum effect. She tensed, expecting them to come back in.
But the lights didn’t turn on. The door didn’t open. Instead, she was suddenly conscious of a sensation more bizarre than the others had been. The hose in her back hole had gone from flow to suction. Whatever liquid they’d pumped in was being drawn back out of her body. One part of her mind registered a sigh of relief. Her bottom had been filled so completely she was on the verge of calling out and begging to be taken to a bathroom.
When that procedure ended, the hoses trained on the rest of her body came on again. Bathing her in a gentle warm stream. Her body relaxed. Thank the goddesses. It must be nearly over.
The sudden spurt of warm liquid up her rear passage was nearly as shocking as the first. This time it came with a bite. A spicy heat that spread through her inside, leaving her quivering and writhing to escape. No matter how hard she strained, she couldn’t get a hand loose to remove the hose. She was at their mercy.
They didn’t fill her with the potent mix like they did with the other liquid. Just regularly timed short spurts. Enough to trickle through her slowly, taking the hot sting deeper and deeper, until it melded with the fiery heat from the spanking. Maia was panting now, jerking at her bonds. When the hose over her clit began pulsing again, the pain morphed into shocking pleasure. She ground herself against the wide nozzle frantically as the jets spurted from side to side over her throbbing nub, more desperate to climax than she’d been the first time. The flow increased, faster and harder, until she screamed and shattered.
Time ceased to exist. It went on like that, building her to climax again and again with pulsing streams. Sometimes only in one opening or the other, sometimes concentrating solely on her clit. Always changing location and intensity. She dangled there in the darkness, never knowing what to expect next. Each time she swore she couldn’t orgasm again, couldn’t go any higher. But each time the aliens proved her wrong.
* * *
Kadan stopped at the door and surveyed the reception hall. Smaller and far less ornate than the grand halls on Anteres, but then this was a minor planet. It was likely Prya had never played host to a supreme ruler before.
Seneschal Niall stood on the far side of the room, flanked by two of his guards. He was deep in conversation with Commander Rowan.
Kadan barely recognized her. She wore a full-length gown in a deep burgundy and her hair had been released from the tight bun and arranged into soft waves. Niall had turned on the full wattage of his charm, playing the genial host. Even from here, he could hear Rowan laughing at something the Sene
schal said.
His eyes swept the crowded room, searching. The alien females were easy to spot, each of them dressed in a different vibrant shade. Except for Niall in his royal robes, they were the only bursts of color in the room. The Seneschal must have brought gowns for all of them with him from Anteres. Kadan had been to plenty of military outposts and in his experience their storerooms didn’t stock formal wear for females.
His heart soared. There she was.
Making polite conversation with Minister Breen. Her gown the soft blue of taiga flowers, her gleaming auburn hair flowing down her back. Gods’ balls, she looked more beautiful than she had in any of his dreams. Their holy woman stood beside her, the only one not wearing a conventional gown. Covered head to toe with filmy veils, leaving only her expressive dark-rimmed eyes exposed.
He saw two of the soldiers he’d been training with heading toward them and began shouldering his way through the crowd, anxious to get there first.
“Kadan!” The Seneschal’s shout stopped him in his tracks.
“Please excuse me, Commander. I must thank the Anterean’s greatest warrior for bringing us such priceless treasure.” Niall gave Rowan a warm smile. “I hope you will do me the honor of sitting beside me when we dine?”
Rowan must have known the request was a formality. The supreme ruler of the Worlds of the Seven Stars would dine with whomever he pleased, whether that person welcomed his company or not. She murmured a gracious response and Niall strode away, the crowd automatically parting for him.
“My lord.” Kadan went down on one knee and bowed his head.
Niall wrapped a hand around his arm and drew him up to clap him on the shoulder. “My brother. It is good to see you. The men of Anteres are in your debt, bringing these beautiful creatures to our World.”
He leaned closer, lowered his voice. “All the people of the Seven Stars are in your debt. The Holy One tells me you have taken on the Quest. Gods be merciful, you will succeed. As will your brother warriors.” Niall shook his head solemnly. “There will be no feasts in your honor. No ceremonies to send you off. Our people can never know how close we are to oblivion. It would throw our Worlds into chaos.”