Surprising Their Mate Read online

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  But our shared essence was far more powerful than the Bond. I experienced Jynn’s joy, his pain, as though it were my own. I even felt the tight wet heat of Kyra’s pussy on my cock when my twin sank his manhood into our mate. There could be no jealousy between us. My brother’s hunger for her was my hunger, and when I claimed her, the rapture of my release was his as well.

  When we got home, Ceres was at the long wooden table in our common room, studying. She was growing into a lovely young woman, even though she didn’t have the shapely bald head and soft purple glow to her skin of a Tharan female.

  We had no idea what our daughter’s heritage was. She didn’t know anything about her father, and her mother died shortly after Bophe bought them both and took them to Tanis Major. She’d been so young, she couldn’t remember the name of the world they’d come from.

  Her appearance wasn’t unusual enough to provide any clues. She had creamy white skin that turned a golden bronze shade when she spent time in the sun. And, like Kyra, Ceres had hair. Soft turquoise waves of it.

  I’d grown to appreciate our mate’s long golden-brown locks. They were a useful evolutionary quirk of her species, keeping her head warm in the colder climate of her world. I discovered hair had other, more enjoyable advantages as well. I loved to wrap the silky strands around my fingers, holding her head in place while I fucked her hot mouth. And when her pussy juices flowed, the matching nest of curls there caught and held the scent of her arousal.

  Our mate ran into the room and threw her arms around Ceres.

  “Guess what! We’re having a Christmas!”

  Ceres smiled, her deep blue-eyes sparkling. “That’s wonderful, Kyra! But what’s a Christmas?”

  “It’s an Earth holiday. A very special day when we pledge peace and goodwill to all mankind. To all sentient beings,” she explained, when Ceres wrinkled her eyebrows at the unfamiliar word.

  That’s another thing. Like our mate, Ceres has narrow patches of short hair, hair that never grows, on the ridges above both eyes. I have no idea what the evolutionary purpose was for those, except to make a female look cute when she wiggles them up and down. Privately, my brother and I have wondered if our daughter has Earther blood somewhere in her ancestry, but Kyra says she and her crew were the first humans to explore this vector of the galaxy.

  “We’re going to have a real old-fashioned Christmas! We’ll bake cookies and decorate a tree.” Kyra whirled around to face us. “Oh, could we have a tree-decorating party and invite the rest of the Luna’s crew? We haven’t gotten together in ages. It would be so much fun to see everyone again. All except Jazz.” Her face fell.

  Kyra had been part of an all-female crew on an exploratory mission when their ship, the Luna, was hijacked by space pirates. The leader Magnus took them captive to sell as slaves, along with females from other worlds they raided, including Keir and Khaun’s sister Aurora and others kidnapped when they hit Tharon. Many of our people died in the attack, among them Zara, mate of Commanders Rhynn and Rhom, killed when she fought back.

  Jazmine Bradshaw was the last of the Luna’s crew. My fellow warriors had found and liberated all the others but so far there’d been no word of Jazmine. The rest of the females had been subjected to horrible circumstances while being held captive and, though she seldom spoke of it, I know her friend’s fate weighed heavily on my mate

  “Don’t worry, my love,” Jynn said. “I promise our Tharans will rescue your friend, just like we rescued you. Commander Rhynn is determined to discover her whereabouts. And four pairs of warriors have already volunteered to go on the mission.” He grinned at our mate. “Rhynn said he had to cut it off at four. It seems every unmated set of twins in our battalion is hoping their gyron will flow for a human female now that they’ve seen you and the rest of your crew take Tharan mates!”

  The Luna’s captain, Cass Randall, had managed to escape when Magnus forced her to land on Tharon. She tried to warn our people of the raid, but wasn’t able to get to the settlement in time. Rhynn and Rhom found her wandering in the swamp and took her captive, thinking she’d collaborated with the pirates. They dragged her along on their mission to track down Magnus, avenge the death of their mate, and bring our females home.

  Over the long months they spent tracking the pirates, the commanders found themselves becoming wildly aroused when they were near Cass, despite their grief over losing their mate. They discovered Earthers had evolved a method of assuring survival of their species by attracting a mate through an intoxicating blend of pheromones. Each human female exudes her own special scent that only a potential mate can detect. Over millions of years, the mating pheromones had grown dormant in humans, but being near the potent gyron of a biologically compatible Tharan male kicked Cass’s pheromones into high gear and, when she met up with the twins, they found it virtually impossible to resist.

  Cass reacted just as strongly to their gyron and, by the time they returned to Tharon, Rhynn and Rhom had taken her as their mate. As our warriors searched the galaxy for the captives Magnus sold off, we discovered Cass wasn’t the only biologically compatible human female.

  Kyra shook her head. “I thought my life was over the day I walked into the Arena on Tanis Major. I never imagined I’d end up living on another world in love with a seven-foot-tall bald alien – let alone two! And it’s wonderful to know my friends are just as happy. Saige with Keir and Khaun, who rescued her from the Rapture Dome. And Aliya. Those battle-scarred warriors Aartan and Azar are crazy about her. I’ve never seen two males so excited about impending fatherhood!”

  “They’ve waited a long time for the Goddess to bless them with a child – or two,” I said. “They’ll be thrilled whether she gives birth to two sons or one precious daughter as beautiful as she is.”

  “I know on this planet all males, no matter what species, are born twins. But I wonder if that will still happen with an interspecies mating,” Jynn mused.

  Kyra smiled. “Whether it’s because of her medical training or her extrasensory abilities, Aliya says she knows the answer to that. But she’s not telling anyone, not even her mates. She wants to surprise them.”


  Surprise them. Even as I said the words, I could hardly contain my own excitement. I wanted to surprise my mates, too. I’d have to come up with the perfect gift for them – and for Ceres.

  “Tell me more about this ‘Christmas,’” my daughter said. “Why do we go outside and decorate a tree? And what do we decorate it with?”

  “You don’t decorate it outside. You bring it in the house,” I explained. “And as for what we decorate it with…” I stopped. I had no idea. I tried to remember the illustrations I’d seen in an old book I found packed away in a box in one of the storerooms at the Institute. A poem called ‘The Night Before Christmas.’ I’d hidden it under my bed and read it over and over until one of the matrons found me with it and took it away.

  “Um…colored balls and strings of berries. And cookies! We’ll bake cookies shaped like little boys and little girls. We’ll tie them on the tree with brightly colored strips of fabric.”


  Her matter-of-fact question stumped me for a moment. “Well, because it’s tradition,” I said. “Wait a minute. We’re on a new world. We should create our own traditions. We don’t have to hang cookies on the tree. We can decorate it with whatever we want. Flowers, pretty rocks we find.” My mind was spinning with the possibilities. “I know what we can do! Ceres, you and I will pack a picnic and go on a treasure hunt. We’ll find special things that remind us of our new life here on Tharon to decorate with.”

  The mention of going on a picnic spurred her into action. She waved a hand and the holographic screen she’d been doing calculations on disappeared. “Good. I’m ready for a break. Besides, if we’re going to make cookies, I’d rather eat mine than hang it up somewhere.”

  Though she never speaks of her early years as a slave in the Arena, my adopted daughter st
ill carries the scars of abuse and neglect at the hands of Bophe. I know she went to bed hungry so many nights that having enough to eat any time she wants is still a blessing to her. I should have realized the thought of having cookies hanging there in front of her and not being able to eat them would be almost cruel to someone who’d never tasted a sweet treat before she came to Tharon.

  “We’ll make lots and lots of cookies,” I promised. “And you can eat all you want.”

  She beamed at me, and I thanked the Goddess once more for bringing her into our lives. Growing up, I always wished for a family, and now I had one. Two gorgeous sexy mates who made me feel loved and cherished every day and a daughter who was incredibly smart as well as being the kindest, most courageous soul I’d ever met.

  I vowed I’d make their first Christmas special for each one of them.

  Chapter Three


  I ran my eyes up and down Jax’s body. I never tired of ogling my mate. Why would I? Sweet heaven, he was gorgeous! Not at all what I’d imagined an alien would look like.

  He’d taken off the black pants and cobalt-blue shirt he’d worn out in the woods and was clad in one of my favorite outfits. The one he wore in the privacy of our bedroom. No shirt. No shoes. Just a pair of trousers made of a silver metallic fabric skimming over his hips and ass, reflecting the light as his quads and glutes flexed underneath them with every move he made. The iridescent disc glowing where his heart used to be gave off a soft violet light, playing over the ridges and hollows defining the muscles in his chest. Jynn has a matching one.

  My mates aren’t just aliens. They’re cyborgs.

  Other than the glowing disc, there’s no sign of anything mechanical about them. My twins could have posed for the holographic images I’ve seen of ancient warriors from Earth’s earlier days. Roman gladiators, Greek gods, Viking raiders. The ones with broad shoulders, powerful chests rippling with muscle, and sculpted abs. The most striking difference is their bald heads. The warriors I remember seeing all had long, wavy hair, sometimes held back by a leather band. Tharans have no hair anywhere on their bodies.

  Their size is different, too. Standing a little over seven feet, they’re taller than Earther heroes. And their bodies are proportionately bigger. Everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

  When I first met them, I’ll admit I was prejudiced. I thought cyborgs were unfeeling machines. At the time, I had only a vague idea of the medical procedures they’d gone through. I’d heard a rumor that only one of the brothers had been injured in battle so severely he’d had to be transformed into a cyborg to save his life. But I had no idea how the other one ended up half machine. Not until the night they saved my life.

  “You almost died because of me? I had no idea! Oh, Jax, I’m so sorry!”

  He shrugged. “You can’t kill someone by stabbing him in the heart when he no longer has a heart.”

  A typical brother, Jynn couldn’t let that comment go without taking the opportunity to taunt his twin. “Don’t waste too much sympathy on him. There was some doubt as to whether he had a heart to begin with!”

  It was the first time either of them had brought up the topic of their cyborg modifications. I chose my next words carefully. “I’ve heard several rumors about what happened. Can you share the story with me?”

  Jynn’s voice lost its mocking tone. “You’ll never hear it from my brother, so I might as well tell you. I was hit by a photon blast during a battle on the Nazion asteroid. We were pinned down by enemy fire, and the battlefield medics had very few resources available. My brother told the doctors to take what they needed from his body to save my life. My heart was damaged beyond repair, but they managed to keep me alive until we could get away, thanks to him. After we got home, I underwent modifications, including having it replaced by a power crystal.”

  He waved a hand toward the glowing disc in his chest. After donating body parts to me, my brother needed several of his organs replicated as well,” he went on. “The sentimental fool told the doctors to replace his heart, too, while they were at it, so we’d still be identical twins.”

  “A wise choice, as it turned out,” Jax shot back. “Otherwise, I’d be fodder for the beasts back at the arena right now. Besides, I figured females would be attracted by a glowing disc. I didn’t want him getting all the attention!”

  I could read between the lines. Jax, the one who always came across as the gruffer, tougher twin, had chosen to have his heart removed so Jynn wouldn’t spend the rest of his life feeling like a freak. He’d willingly turned himself into a cyborg out of love for his brother.

  Jynn stepped out of the shower stall in our adjoining private bathroom, and I realized I’d been wrong. My favorite outfit was no outfit at all. His massive cock jutted out thick and long, already partially erect. The violet tint of his skin was darker there, becoming a deep reddish purple on the head.

  He came toward me with a wicked glint in his eyes. Behind me, Jax closed in, and I knew my mates were in the mood for fun. I started shaking my head. “No, my darlings, we can’t. Ceres is still awake, and she’ll hear us.”

  Jax spoke directly into my head. She won’t hear anything from Jynn or me. I promise. And we can assure she won’t hear you, either.

  “Oh, no! You’re not going to use the trainer on me again!”

  Jynn’s eyes darkened. Through our Bond, I could hear him plain as day. Did you just say no to your mates?

  Damn! That was a dumb thing to say. I should have known better by now, especially with what happened the first time I defied them back on the Luna.

  His smile disappeared. “Are you refusing?” Jynn responded with a bite in his voice. “My brother told you to stand up and take off your shirt. We explained the rules earlier. A Tharan female obeys her males – or she is punished.”

  I opened my mouth to utter a fresh stream of curses, but before I could get a word out, Jynn crammed what looked like an adult-sized pacifier between my lips. It was attached to straps he fastened behind my head. With Jax holding onto my arms, I couldn’t rip it off and fling it in his face. I couldn’t even spit it out. I let out a furious shriek, but the apparatus muffled the sound, and it came out as a whimper.

  The trainer, as Jax referred to it, was shaped like a very short, thick penis. So big around, it stretched my mouth into an obscene O. It was made of a pliable substance like firm plastic, and it tasted…oooh.

  I stopped struggling and ran the tip of my tongue over it. It tasted exotic. Like the chocolate-colored fruit I’d bitten into at the open-air market on the spice planet of Namibia. It carried a hint of something hot, yet sweet. Something that had me craving just a little more.

  Damn it! Jynn had his hands all over the trainer before he stuffed it into my mouth. That exotic flavor had to be his gyron. I’d breathed it in but never tasted it before.

  Oh, no! Was I about to get getting sucked into that again? Being under the influence of their lecherous pheromones would turn me into a wanton woman, begging them to do dirty things to me. I screamed every curse word I’d ever heard and made up a few more on the spot, but with the cock-shaped object in my mouth, I only succeeded in producing garbled grunts. I glared at him.

  “The trainer does a good job of silencing,” Jynn remarked.

  My mouth was filling with saliva. I couldn’t spit it out. But I was afraid the effects of their potent aphrodisiac would be multiplied if I swallowed.

  It was building up. Choking me. I started to panic.

  Jynn stroked my hair. “You’re all right. I know it feels uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it. Here, breathe with me. That’s it. Breathe. Now swallow.”

  Slam! The gyron hit as soon as I swallowed, sending a trail of liquid fire all the way down to my belly. I shuddered as my nipples puckered and my clit throbbed. Damn their gyron!

  I clamped my teeth reflexively around the cock-shaped trainer, then let out a strangled shriek.

  “Careful, little human.
The device is set to deliver a small sting if you bite it. That’s part of the training. When a Tharan male has his manhood in his female’s mouth, he wants to make sure no matter how much his twin is arousing her, she won’t get carried away and accidentally do him harm. The sting becomes sharper each time you sink your teeth into it, even a little. You need to suck on it instead of biting down. Eventually, your body will learn to control its automatic impulses. No matter how deep you are in the throes of passion, you’ll keep your mouth open wide and suck.”

  His words should have made me furious. Instead, the forbidden image of having one brother licking between my legs while the other fucked my mouth with his huge cock made my pussy spasm. Jynn bent his head and drew a nipple into his mouth. I forced myself to relax and tentatively sucked on the thick head of the trainer. To my surprise, a blast of dark hot sweetness filled my mouth. It danced on my tongue and made me shiver with need.

  Jynn lifted his head and smiled. “Judging from the sounds you’re making, you’re learning quickly. The trainer absorbs a male’s gyron when he touches it then delivers a burst of it to a female as a reward when she behaves well.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The thing in my mouth worked like an electric collar on an animal. I wanted to be furious – except it doled out shocking bursts of pleasure as well as pain. I sucked again, lightly, experimentally. It gave off a single drop of sweet dark heat, like melted chocolate mixed with strawberry liqueur, laced with a hint of red pepper. When I swallowed, the gyron blazed a trail of warmth down my throat before settling into a spicy glow deep in my belly.

  While I’d been lost in memories of the past, Jax had gotten the trainer from what my mates referred to as their tool chest at the foot of the bed. Carved from blue Tharontree wood, it had a hinged lid with a padded top so it could serve as a spanking bench as well. In it they kept a variety of toys and implements Tharan males use on their mates to ensure not only obedience to their rules but wild wanton responses to their lovemaking. I’d been introduced to several very effective spanking implements while bent over that bench, as well as my first experience with the harness and vela. My pussy clenched.