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His Captive Human: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance (Centauri Captives Book 1) Page 2

  I said the first thing that came into my head. “It needs work, but you’ll love the place when I finish with it. I like to incorporate touches of nature, a bit of color, some softness, even in such a masculine environment.”

  The look of confusion in his eyes was my reward. But it was short-lived. “Do not waste my time with foolish talk. From now on, you live for one reason only—to bear my young.” He moved away, muttering to himself. “Crazy. Or stupid. Either way, it means trouble. No wonder her leaders gave her away.”

  “Gave me away!” I seized on his last words. My voice rose. “What do you mean, my leaders gave me away? You kidnapped me, and you’re damn right it means trouble. I’m a citizen of Earth, a member of the Interstellar Federation, on a diplomatic mission to Arythios. I suggest you let me go right now before you have armies from both worlds coming down on you, followed by the might of the entire Federation.”

  He made a harsh croaking sound. Laughter? Impossible.

  “Kidnapped? Hardly. I am an Arythian starship commander. We do not kidnap alien beings. Your leader was happy to be rid of you, and, frankly, I can understand why. Your attitude is poor, and your voice is shrill and unpleasant to the ear.”

  Arythian starship commander? “No. No, that can’t be. You don’t look anything like the envoy from Arythios I met. He was handsome with golden-bronze skin, and you’re…” I stopped. Calling my captor ugly wouldn’t win me any favors.

  “Besides,” I went on, “I wasn’t supposed to be transported to a starship. I’m expected on Arythios.” I squirmed on the cold surface, trying desperately to sit up. “I suggest you release me from whatever force field is holding me and send me there immediately. I’m warning you, if I don’t arrive soon, there’ll be search parties scouring this vector of the galaxy.”

  “By all the gods!” He shook his head. “I should have known better than to trust your leader. Did that spineless worm send you here without telling you?”

  My threats didn’t seem to be having the desired effect. I ignored the “spineless worm” remark. Apparently this alien and I were in agreement about Chancellor Ravensworth, Earth’s current leader. “Telling me what?”

  “Arythios has been destroyed.”

  “Oh, no! That’s horrible! It was such a beautiful world. What happened? Was it an asteroid strike?” I paused, remembering images I’d seen. The gleaming cities, the warm beaches with Arythian children frolicking in a deep-green sea. “Your people…were they all able to evacuate in time?”

  “Dead. They’re all dead.”

  His shoulders slumped, and he turned his head away, refusing to meet my eyes. Though I hadn’t fully adjusted to the Tellex chip, Arythian body language was similar enough to that on Earth for me to pick up bleak despair.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “My ship was on a routine training mission when our world was attacked.” He paced back and forth as he spoke, like a caged lion. “We received a distress call, but by the time we made it home…it was all gone.”

  He waved a hand in the air, and holographic images appeared.

  Scenes of devastation surrounded me. Twisted shells of buildings were all that remained in the ruins of the cities. Huge forests had been reduced to smoldering skeletons. The edges of the gray landscape blended into the gray walls around me, so I felt as though I was right there in the middle of it all.

  “The warriors on my ship and a handful of others that were away on missions at the time are the only ones left of our kind. I approached your Interstellar Federation, hoping to form an alliance to help us fight our attackers.”

  He stopped pacing, brought one hand down in a sharp chopping motion, and the images disappeared.

  “Your leader refused. He wouldn’t even allow us to land on your world. He sent us away with nothing—except the promise to transport a band of human females to my ship as playthings for my crew. ‘A gesture of our goodwill,’ he called it.”

  He came close again, fire blazing in his coal-black eyes. “I didn’t kidnap you. He gave you away, to be an alien’s fuck toy. But I need more than that.”

  He unfastened the silver belt around his waist, let it fall. His hand went to the skintight black pants, and the bulge there swelled even bigger.

  “You will bear my young. Care for them and raise them.”

  That was when I lost it. I wasn’t just going to get fucked. He wanted to put gray alien babies in me. I started thrashing around frantically on the cold hard surface, but I still couldn’t break its hold on my body. “No! Nononono…”

  He dropped his pants. Though I tried to resist, I had to look.

  Oh, sweet Goddess! His cock was huge. Hard and thick and deep purple, not gray like the rest of his body. But instead of a single swollen head, it had five. Each one as big around and long as the upper part of his finger. Moving independently. Twisting around, thrusting back and forth.

  I sensed something else odd about his anatomy, but I couldn’t take my eyes off that cock.

  “Mate with me willingly whenever I require, and your life will be one of ease. You will be treated with honor here on this ship, as the mate of an Arythian commander. Defy me—and you’ll be punished until you learn obedience.”

  He waved a hand again. The force field pinning me to the table disappeared.

  “Now, spread your legs and prepare to receive your master.”

  Chapter Four


  I took a chance releasing the female. I could have taken her while she was pinned by the force field easily enough, eased my lusts, and begun the process of impregnation. My responsibilities offered me little time for such activities, and the wiser course would have been to do just that. But I found small pleasure in pumping my seed into a stiff, unresponsive body. I’d prefer to master her in my own way.

  I’d promised punishment for disobedience, and if she chose that route, she’d soon learn I always kept my promises. The force field disabled, the female flexed her arms and moved to rise.

  “No,” I barked. “I ordered you to part your legs. This is your only warning. If you fail to obey, punishment shall be swift and severe.” I kicked my dropped pants aside, so they would not hamper my movements.

  “Who do you think you are?” she demanded, cheeks flushing pink. “It is in violation of all treaties to enslave Interstellar Federation citizens. Retaliation shall be swift and severe.”

  I liked it little that she turned my own words back at me in such a disrespectful manner. “You have made your choice.”

  Grabbing her by the wrists I dragged her across the cabin to a bare space on the wall and flattened a hand at the middle of her back while fastening her arms above her head with the force field intended to keep weapons and tools in place in the occasional turbulence of space travel. Kicking her legs apart, I bound them also and grunted in satisfaction at the picture she made surrounded by my belongings. A sword of my late sire’s, several daggers of various lengths, a coil of cording, among others. The items I used in my work and pleasure. Suitable for the female to join them. She would learn soon enough she was no more than that. Another of my belongings.

  “Your Chancellor offered you as a slave, for your body to be used as we chose.” I traced a finger down the middle of her back, her skin pale cream in color, and as smooth as the webs gathered and woven into cloth for our highest born on Arythios. Her face had already reddened when she shouted at me. Would she display other colors, too, as our people did? I looked forward to finding out.

  The force fields held her at wrist and ankle but still allowed her some play. Some struggle. Lust pooled low in my belly at the sight of her writhing there.

  “I am nobody’s slave,” she gritted out. “Especially not yours.” She panted, cheek pressed to the wall as she sought to turn her head enough to see me. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Ah, female, you have much to learn.” I gave a sharp pinch to her buttock. It couldn’t have hurt much, but she let out a loud squeak. “I am due back on the bridge, sho
rtly, but I will make time for your first lesson. You may thank me.”

  “Thank you?” she squealed, struggling harder.

  “Thank you, Master,” I coached, pleased with our progress.

  “I wasn’t really thanking you, you…you, oh you alien scum. Now, send me back to Earth and I won’t kill you for what you’ve already done.”

  The first laughter I’d emitted since tragedy struck our planet bubbled out of me while I drew my palm back and slapped her bottom. My handprint reddened, deeper than the flush on her cheeks that had returned as well. “Do you display other colors?” How intriguing.

  “What?” She jerked on her arm, grunting with effort. “Display other colors?”

  I moved into her field of vision, winding her long, reddish-brown plait around my fist. “Yes. With your emotional states? As we do.”

  “Oh dear Goddess.” She stopped moving. “You’re…you’re almost the same color as that, that thing between your legs. Purple.”

  “Of course.”

  She blinked rapidly, lashes screening her green eyes. Would she be that color at any time? It was a rare shade on Arythios, seen only in the long, waving grasses of one region. I looked forward to it. I had seen few pictures of her people, but they did seem to bear various shades, so it seemed possible. “Please let me down.”

  “After your punishment, we can discuss that possibility.” The reminder brought me back to the necessity of finishing that process before moving on to other things.

  “What? No, I—” A shriek replaced her words as I brought my hard palm across both buttocks this time, once, then again. “Stop!”

  “You will not give me orders.” I picked up speed, smacking her bottom cheeks again and again, watching with interest as my handprints overlapped into a deep-pink hue. “Your flesh responds with such a pleasing color.”

  My female jerked at her arms and legs, in the process presenting her reddened punished bottom toward me, and I continued to smack it, watching the pink darken to crimson. “I said stop! Stop it, you alien monster!”

  “Disrespect will only earn you more punishment, female.” Punishment I very much enjoyed bestowing. It had been far too long since I’d had a female under my care, and I took my responsibilities seriously. I would offer her constructive punishment as long as it took to help her adjust to her new life, as was my duty as her master. I tightened my grip on her braided locks. “Are you ready to apologize for your offenses? Be an obedient female?”

  Her breaths came in shuddering pants, and she managed to turn her face away, but her words were clear. “When hell freezes over.”

  The expression was unfamiliar to me but contained a promise of future compliance. Progress. “Very well.” Unfamiliar with the species, I chose not to apply any more punishment for the moment. I didn’t want to cause long-term damage to the body I needed to bear my young. “We must hope that happens soon.” Releasing her wrist and ankles with a thought, I dragged her by the hair to the steel table she’d been bound to before, bent her over it then shoved her legs apart. “I am due on the bridge shortly so cannot spare more time for your lessons in deportment. Will you remain as I have placed you, or must I engage the force field again?”

  “Has hell frozen yet?” she growled, glaring at me over her shoulder.

  “I do not know where this place is, but until we can learn whether it is frozen…” I drew her hands above her head and bound them with the energy field. “Just a precaution. I would examine your breeding parts.” Straightening, I raised the table to eye level and moved between her legs. “Oh, the same dark-pink as your cheeks.” I rested a hand on her punished buttocks, now displaying an undertone of purple, the most erotic of colors, beneath my handprints. “But lighter than here.” She jerked but, with her legs dangling and hands bound, had little means to fight me.

  She was formed not much different than our females, but smaller, and when I thrust a finger into her front opening, I found it to be tighter as well. She quivered but said nothing. “Soon, I will implant my seed in your womb.” I rubbed a thumb over a nub of flesh, my appetite made keener with anticipation, and her channel slicked with a silky fluid. “If our species are as alike as our scientists believe, application of oral pleasure may assist with impregnation.” I drove my finger into her, pleased at the additional lubrication that followed.

  “Don’t you dare,” she moaned, but her hips thrust backward toward me. My penis jerked, the tips curling toward her, their own lubricating droplets emerging, prepared to ease their way. “I’ll…I’ll…”

  “You’ll obey.” And I covered her exposed pinkness with my mouth, replacing my fingers with the tip of my tongue. I lapped at her from front to back, tasting the sweetness of female arousal and finally sucking on her clit, teasing it with my teeth while her protests went from outrage to whimpering to groans that made my cock stretch toward her. I dug my fingers into her beautiful red-and-purple buttocks, and she trembled. Pleasure and pain. I would bring her both, over time, and she would crawl to me to get it. A sex slave, that’s what she’d been sent to be, what her people considered her. Bearing my young brought honor to one such as she, honor that, had not our females been murdered, would never have been hers. She would learn to appreciate the gift she’d been given.

  I thrust my tongue into her channel, feeling it grip even that narrow appendage. In and out, a preview of what my cock would do in moments. Her unintelligible groans told me of her readiness, and I withdrew enough to lower the table and bring her dripping wet, swollen, and reddened parts to waist level.

  “It is a great honor I do you, female,” I reminded her with a sharp smack across her bottom then I brought my penis to her opening, watching the tips work their way inside.

  Chapter Five


  Oh sweet Goddess! I didn’t want to like it. Didn’t want my pussy to get wet or my clit to throb. But it had been so long since I’d felt firm male hands running over my skin, a hot wet tongue tracing my tight folds. Teasing me. Tempting me. I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensations. To my shock, the firm spanks the alien had delivered to my upturned ass sparked a flame of lust deep in my belly.

  When the slick heads started twisting their way inside, I snapped back to reality. This was no kinky sex dream. An alien was about to fuck me. With his deep-purple, multi-headed alien cock.

  I freaked out. Started struggling. But he’d bent me over the cold metal surface, stretched my arms over my head and pinned them there with the invisible force field that held me immobile. My legs dangled above the floor, ankles spread wide apart as though they were shackled to a spreader bar. The only thing I could move was my ass, and I froze when I realized wiggling it was helping him work his dick in.

  Hard and smooth, hotter than fingers. Massaging my inner walls, each one moving independently. His cock—cocks?—seemed to know instinctively where to stroke, where to surge. I moaned when one hit my G-spot, then let out a cry when a different head began rubbing another place at the same time.

  He found sweet spots I didn’t even know I had, digging his fingers into my hips and pulling me tight against his crotch as his penis continued its slow exploration. By the time he started pistoning in and out, I was lost. Drowning in lust, sinking deeper with each powerful lunge.

  Sanity returned when I felt my orgasm building. I shut down, refusing to be a willing victim. I’d be damned if I’d give this creature the satisfaction of taking me prisoner, spanking me, forcing himself on me, and discovering he could make me come. I clamped my jaws shut to stifle the little cries I’d been making, stopped grinding back against him. I couldn’t fight him…no, stop thinking about that. You know being helpless turns you on…and pictured his gray alien skin, his cold black alien eyes. I won’t let myself get aroused. It’s not Damon fucking me.

  -No, Damon didn’t have a multi-headed cock that could move in all directions at once. He didn’t even own a sex toy that could do that.

  Shut up, Jess. Just shut up.

Why? Because you’ll remember you found out Damon was fucking two other women besides you? And when you confronted him, he said, “I’ll do what I want, and you’ll accept it. I don’t belong to you. You belong to me.”

  Thinking of Damon helped. I lay motionless on the table, as cold as the hard metal surface beneath my body. The alien grunted and pulled out.

  “Why have you stopped responding?” He didn’t sound pissed, like Damon would have been if I’d zoned out during a scene. Just puzzled.

  “Responding? I wasn’t responding!” My voice rose angrily, probably because he was right. I hadn’t just responded. I’d been on the verge of exploding, but I didn’t want to admit it to him. Or to myself. “I don’t know what your mating rituals are, but on my planet a male doesn’t tie a woman up, force himself on her, and expect her to like it!”

  Liar. That’s exactly how you like it.

  “No, I don’t. Damon was different. I chose to submit,” I snapped.

  “Yes, you chose to submit at first. But then you stopped. What is a damon, and why is it different?” Though he’d pulled out, his penis was still between my legs, the smooth hot heads sensuously stroking my outer lips like a lover’s fingers during foreplay.

  Damn. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I couldn’t carry on an argument with the voice in my head and the cock nuzzling my pussy at the same time.

  I’d never been good at lying…only to yourself…but I thought fast and came up with one. “Damon isn’t a what, it’s a who. He’s my, um, my mate back home on Earth. He’s a starship commander, too, and he’ll be coming after me. He’s very jealous. He’ll kill you if he finds out you even touched me. Send me back before it’s too late. I’ll tell him you let me go as soon as you realized this was all a misunderstanding.”

  He took a step back. The force field disappeared so fast, I nearly slid onto the floor. Hope sprang up in my chest. It worked!